The first military campaign of the Second World War,
lost in September 1939, and quick disintegration of the Polish state
brought, apart from destruction and the loss of human lives, a complete
surprise to the Polish society, which felt betrayed by the pre-war
political régime (so-called sanacja).
In that climate the Poles with understanding and hopes received news
about creation of the Polish government in exile in France, led by a
renown political opponent of the sanacja
régime, General Władysław Sikorski, as well as the Polish Army in
France under his command. Gradually, the hopes in quick victory of the
Anglo-Franco-Polish forces over the Nazi Germany revived. During the
first months of the occupation a popular saying "the higher is the sun
- the closer is Sikorski", spread from mouth to mouth, expressed the
moods and hopes of the Polish society. More >>>